Monday, December 31, 2018


Heart Restored, Arteries Working and Rib Restored for Newborn Audrey!

Diagnosed with a half heart, arteries that didn't work and a missing rib, doctor's didn't have much hope for newborn Audrey Scott and said, "This baby is going to be in the hospital for a long time."

Worse was when the doctor told Todd Scott, "You need to get her mother to say goodbye" before we transfer baby Audrey to another hospital. " I would not speak death over my child," Todd recalled while wheeling Jamie to see their daughter.                                

"Audrey was a grayish white color with wires coming in and out of her, and anger rose up inside of  me," Jamie said. I knew it wasn't God because I got a hold of Andrew Wommack's teaching God Wants You Well.                                                   


"Without it," Jamie added, "I would have crumbled" so "I laid my hands on her and said, 'by His stripes you are healed'. "

Despite the cruel diagnosis,  Jamie recalled a powerful prayer of agreement with one of Andrew Wommack's prayer ministers. "I had a peace about it and wasn't going to let the enemy get the best of me," she said. 

The next day, the Scott's miraculous news came from their medical team, "Audrey is doing great, and they saw her heart!" said a tearful Jamie.  More good news came later from Audrey's pediatrician who relayed, "This baby has every one of her ribs." 

Today, the Scotts still praise God because, "God heard our prayers and healed her."

For more of the miraculous details, see the video  below.
And be sure to grab your free copy of God Wants You Well Ebook in your freebies below.


Heartbeat and Breathing Restored for Newborn Urias!

Just as miraculous as Audrey,  is newborn Urias' healing.  Hannah and Pastor Jacob Sheriff never imagined battling for their son's life immediately after an emergency C-Section when doctor's desperately fought for 20 minutes to resuscitate baby Urias as his organs began shutting down. 

When I knew something was wrong, I had to fight "fear and terror" because I can't fight from a position of faith when I'm afraid. So we both prayed against fear" Pastor Jacob said, "and began standing on God's promises" like "Psalm 34, I sought the Lord and He answered me."  

Pastor Jacob and Hannah relayed, "Urias means "The Lord is my light, we never thought it would begin at birth."

Hannah added, "Urias is doing great now and the pediatricians call him the miracle baby."

For the rest of the Sheriff's miraculous story, see their CBN interview below.  


It doesn't make any difference whether your  heart problem is physical or emotional -- God wants to restore it! 

Mine was an emotional heart transplant because my life was rooted in a mess of  insecurities, fear and lies. Years later, I learned this deadly tactic was satan's way of stealing my identity --  the same deadly persuasion satan used to convince Eve to eat from the tree of life in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3 NIV).

Whether it's physical, emotional, financial, relational or other healings,   God's plan is always "to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"  (Jeremiah 29: 11-14 NIV) regardless of your age, circumstances or background. 

Better yet, God is always crazy about you, "takes delight in you and rejoices over you with singing!"   Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV).  Each time I read that scripture I imagine myself at God's rejoicing party. He wants you there too, even when you don't feel like it.

Plus, his delight in us comes with a boundless benefit package which I had no idea existed until I stumbled on terrific teachers Carrie Pickett, Daniel Amstutz and Carlie Terradez who offer practical insights and answers.  Don't miss the Q & A's at the end of this link.    

More exciting is you can experience God's abundant miraculous starting with your freebies below.


• You've got everything to gain by giving your life to Christ. Select the Receive Jesus link here.  It won't cost you a dime and offers you big benefits! 

• Get more information about God's love and healing. Visit AWMI website for healing testimonies or call 719-635-1111 for a  free (CD) teaching each week. No strings attached.

• Attend free Healing School events  streamed live Wednesdays.  Or watch awesome healing school video archives. 

• Order your free Identity Confession Card that's changing lives at Terradez 


• Order your free God Wants You Well book in print or digital form here. 

• Want peace, joy, healing and more?  Check out Pastor Duane Sheriff's free teaching series on Mind Renewal  here or grab his book Identity Theft to learn more about how satan steals identities and how to get them back.


  • Need Prayer? Call the AWMI prayer line at 719.635.1111 for terrific prayer ministers.  Call 24/7!

  • Post a comment or two.  Have a testimony? A resource that changed your life? Share it in the comment area.


Prayers for you. . .  

Father God, thank you for all visiting here. Thank you that you love them and their families, especially during times of hardship, anguish and challenge. 

Father God, for those needing physical or emotional  healing of their hearts we speak an infusion of resurrection life  into every cell and system you created Lord.  Together we pray and praise You Father God for your Word as we speak to hearts, systems, cells, bones, blood, eyes, ears, lungs, organs, nerves and more healed in Jesus Name according to 1 Peter 2.24.  

We abort and nullify all attacks on their bodies, hearts, minds, families, jobs, income and more from their assignment in the mighty name of Jesus as we declare this as a glorious testimony to your love for them. We loose your loving word into their minds, hearts and bodies in Jesus Name. 

For those battling pain, fear or despair,  we abort those spirits and replace them with the joy, love and confidence of Jesus Christ. We loose supernatural financial resources, jobs and favor into their lives according to your power Lord, in Jesus Name. 

Father, we thank you for confirming your word with signs and wonders, and declare this according to Mark 16:20 .

Father God, we also thank you for protecting those fighting for global freedoms and all who fight fires, floods and catastrophic events. As Jesus spoke, we speak to any and all future events and command them aborted.  We loose your kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, and thank you Father for your promises as we enter into  gratitude, joy, restoration, and invigoration of your loving word. 

Standing, praising and expecting miracles for you as we begin 2019.  


Meanwhile enjoy "Mary Did You Know. . ." from the Bible Series film 

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