Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Welcoming you never gets old and this month 
 it's all about the question, "Who do you think you are?"

So who do you think you really are?  

Typically, the question is asked in a demeaning manner and we start defending  ourselves through our achievements, profession, race, gender and more.   

Yet, when  the question comes from our Heavenly Father who thinks about us constantly, it takes on a whole new meaning.

The first time I thought about that question all I could answer was, "I'm a Christian, loved by God and on my way to Heaven." 

 I had no idea of the breadth and depth of God's answer.     
Or that is was rooted in God's love. 

What's more, when I heard Carlie Terradez explain it,  I was blown away because I had been missing out on who I really am. 

Perhaps you are  too. . . 

Want to find out?  Keep reading!


About ten years ago, I was driving home and grumbling because I hadn't accomplished what I had worked so hard for over the last ten years.  Suddenly I heard the Lord say, "When are you going to start seeing yourself like I do?"  

Stunned, I instantly knew what my problem was.  I was comparing myself to how others viewed me rather than how God viewed me. And, I had to learn how and what God thought about me. 

This was a process, that over time took me to Carlie Terradez "I am" confessions that God gave to her during one of her own pity parties.

To jump start your thinking, Carlie  offers a sample of who God thinks you are: 

"I am a party waiting to happen, 1 Peter 1:8!  Angels rejoice over me, demons flee from me, James 4:7, and God himself dances over me with singing, Zephaniah 3:17.  I am the bearer of good news, Isaiah 52:7, a minister of reconciliation, 2 Corinthians 5:18, the carrier of the King of Glory, Colossians 1:27" followed by 25 plus more "I am" statements! 

Access your powerful "I am" confessions  here. Recite them, think about them, ask God to confirm His I am statements to you in ways that are unique and personal to you and your thinking will change!

Want to know how God changed the Terradez family's  thinking that resulted in several powerful healings, a move from the UK to the United States, enrollment in Charis Bible College and their own Abundant Life Ministry? 

 In the Inside Story > Episode 52, the Terradez's transparency reveal that God's power is available to anyone.


Aligning yourself with God's thinking reveals your true identity and authority in Christ. 

For me, this took more time because I had to purge years of toxic thinking that separated me from my true identity.  

I didn't even know what authority I had because I had never heard of an identity in Christ!  

Now I've learned my real identity and authority (and yours too)
is a learning and lifestyle process rooted in a loving relationship with Christ. Praise God!

For testimonies about who you are in Christ and 
your authority see:      


Benjamin Esau's powerful delivery from death to life 

Merci Santo's healing from muscular dystrophy

And check out Pastor Duane Sheriff's Book Identity Theft, a powerful, 
practical read about how your true identity was stolen and how to get it back!


1. Explore your resource links.
  • Want to know Jesus as your personal Savior? Select the resource link "Receive Jesus" on the right.  
  • Need Prayer? Call the AWM prayer line at 719.635.1111 for wonderful prayer ministers.  They are there to help 24/7! 
2. Post a comment or two.  What's on your heart? What do you want to know more about? If you have a resource that changed your life, share it in the comment area. 


Father God, thank you for all visiting here.                                    

We speak miracles of peace and comfort  for all families affected by untimely and tragic death regardless of where they live. 

We speak with the authority and power You gave us Father, in Luke 10:19.  


We also thank you Father for your continued miracles of provision,  restoration and  protection for all in need from wildfires, floods, drought & storms.  

We  thank you Father for those on the ground and in the air bringing hope and resources to those in need and speak strength and protection for them.

And Lord, for anyone  hurting or in need we speak healing to their bodies, families, hearts, income and opportunities in Jesus Mighty Name. 

Thank you for revealing yourself to them in ways personally unique to them In Jesus Mighty Name.  

We give you praise for all blessings and miracles as we expect signs and wonders according to 

We pray all these things Lord, because we know you love those praying this prayer and think about them constantly.  Amen.

A joy to stand with you!
See you next month with more resources!
