Wednesday, October 31, 2018



Imagine feeling trapped in a shroud of despair as you struggle to care for two boys 24/7  plagued with autistic behaviors like head butting, spinning, nightmares, weight loss, pain and more.

Worse is living 11 years in constant crisis in a life void of normal social activities with no hope for normalcy.   

This was the life of  Deborah and Chris McDermott. "I was terrified I couldn't go on," recalls Deborah who longed to be like the moms whose kids lived healthy, happy lives.    

"We faced incredible pressure and trauma as a family battling this curse" added Chris, until my wife cried out to God to "send someone to help." 

It was during her cry, Deborah felt her despair leave as God answered with teaching and a prayer from Andrew Wommack.

For the supernatural details, Deborah and Chris  recall the miraculous healing of their two sons in the interview below. 




Like the McDermotts, Brian and Gina tirelessly struggled to care for their young son, Ethan.   Exhausted,  we desperately "tried to calm Ethan during bouts of crying and biting himself until he would bleed," said Gina. 

Devastating was the doctor's diagnoses of autism and that Ethan "would probably never speak.  It was like a kick in the stomach," Gina recalled. 

The Waldens realized they were fighting a physical and spiritual battle. "I started praying and seeking God and Gina did the same thing" Brian noted. 

It all changed with faith, and an autism specialist who knew the importance of prayer and therapy.

And  Ethan's big brother, Devan taught him how to pray.  The good news is at five Ethan enrolled in a standard kindergarten class and by nine, tested in "the 99 percentile statewide" in school. 

Ethan's words best say what every kid deserves.  "I like hanging out with my friends, mom and wrestling with my Dad."  

As a result of their journey, Brian and Gina'a book  A Brand New Day offers hope to families facing challenges.


 Whatever challenges you face, God doesn't want you to do it alone. He wants to help and I learned that the hard way.  

After years of operating like I was superwoman and falling on my face, I realized I needed  God to help and guide me. 

I learned that God welcomes us (flaws included) and restores joy, health, family, resources, and more if we seek Him. 

And His promise is for everyone.   You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all  your heart.  Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV).

I don't have all the answers but in the words of Andrew Wommack, "I've left but I certainly haven't arrived!"

How about you?  

More of God's miraculous is found in what He offers absolutely free. 


• You've got everything to gain by giving your life to Christ. Select the Receive Jesus link here.  It won't cost you a dime and offers you big benefits! 

• Get more information about God's love and healing. Visit AWMI website for more healing testimonies - no strings attached.

• Attend the free Healing School events  streamed live most Wednesdays  1:00 PM MST.  Or watch the awesome healing school video archives. 

• Order your free Identity Confession Card that's changing lives at Terredez 


• Want peace, joy, healing and more?  Check out Pastor Duane Sheriff's  book Identity Theft to learn more about how satan steals identities and how to get them back.


  • Need Prayer? Call the AWMI prayer line at 719.635.1111 for terrific prayer ministers available 24 hours and  7 days a week. 

  • Post a comment or two.  Have a testimony? A resource that changed your life? Share it in the comment area.


Prayers for you. . .  

Father God, thank you for your precious people who landed here.  For those who seek healing from autism or any disease, we call autism dead at the root and declare healing to every system and cell through the finished work of Christ in the precious bodies you created Lord.  

We declare this as a testimony to you as we lord Isaiah 53:5 over their bodies, hearts and minds.  

For those battling pain, fear or despair,  we call those spirits dead and replaced with the joy, love and confidence of Jesus Christ.  We loose supernatural financial resources, jobs and favor into their lives according to your power Lord, in Jesus Name. 

Together Father, we call prodigal sons and daughters returned to you according to Isaiah 49:17  so their awesome purpose is fulfilled through you.  

Father, we thank you for confirming your word with signs and wonders according to Mark 16:20 and glorifying your love in your precious people in Jesus Name. 

Father God, we also thank you for protecting those fighting for global freedoms and all who fight  fires, floods and catastrophic events. As Jesus spoke, we speak to any and all destructive future events and command them nullified. 

We praise you Father for your word manifested in all we speak according to your loving will in Jesus Name.    

Until next month, standing, praising and expecting miracles for you.

Meanwhile as Michael W. Smith sings, We fight our battles with praise.  Amen!


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