Thursday, June 15, 2023


Ever wonder what your divine destiny is? 

Ever wonder why near death attempts sabotage the divine destiny of others or even your own? 

Isaiah Saldivar, a self- proclaimed atheist at 16, learned why shortly after his sixth death attempt.  

What's more . . .                  

Isaiah learned  God's destiny for him was bigger and  better than his own including  plans to prosper him.   The good news is God wants the same for you!


Start with  Jeremiah 29:11 and  Zephaniah 3:17!

Even better. . . 


Like Isaiah, you are God's most loved, most prized creation!  (Psalms 139:13-16)

And He sacrificed himself for you to be whole, healthy and a living testimony for Him (1Peter 2 & 24).


Check out Isaiah's  miraculous transformation  and then. . .  

Be sure to: 
  • download  free resources & review the archives for more miraculous testimonies 
  • join me in prayer at the bottom of the page and 
  • soak in Waymaker, live from Brazil with Jeremy Riddle & Priscilla Alcantara after our prayer. 

ON to Isaiah's story as told to Sid Roth

HOW does a a young boy escape a near drowning, falling out of a car, survive a tractor trailer accident and a hanging accident?

The hanging accident "was a joke," said Isaiah.  At 12 years old "I was in a barn with a friend of mine." We had just watched "Jessie James hang" in the movie American Outlaws.    

Jokingly Isaiah said, "I'm going to hang myself like Jesse James." Using the "metal chain hanging from the roof I put a rope around my neck and was swinging" while his friend left. 

As the spinning, swinging rope cinched tighter, Isaiah passed out.  "Waking up in an out of body experience, I saw my hands at my side and legs four to six feet off the ground" said Isaiah. 

What happened next convinced the young Isaiah that someone was trying to save him from death. 

"I felt the softest hands I ever felt go in between that chain and pull it open as I immediately fell to the ground," said Isaiah. 

"Crawling to the corner of the barn with a bleeding neck,"  Isaiah thought "There's a war going on with something trying to kill me and something trying to save me. "

Never realizing  two more death attempts would move him closer to his destiny with Jesus, Isaiah survived severe alcohol poisoning in college where "I couldn't move" and a near suicide attempt a month before "I got saved."

Isaiah recalled his dire hotel experience.  "I've never been suicidal, and there was a force that said, 'Just jump off, just jump off ' " the 13th story balcony. 

Later, "I knew this was the devil's last ditch effort" to destroy my salvation I received the next month.   I heard, "Just go lay down, go lay down." 

Isaiah relented to God's voice and a month later walking through church doors as a committed atheist, cursing a God he didn't know he said, "I'll never walk through church doors again,"  and  walked out radically saved.

"I felt something pulling on my shirt" leading me toward the alter  and "I couldn't fight it," said Isaiah. 

Bargaining with a God he didn't believe in,  Isaiah said, "If you're real I'll lay down my life and give you everything, quitting my job and my dream as a law enforcement officer... ." 

Not expecting to hear God's voice, Isaiah heard the audible voice of God say,  "  ' Isaiah I don't want 99.9% of you, I want everything. And if you give me your life, I will use you to preach my gospel to all nations.' " 

At that moment, Isaiah felt like he was in "a trance, I just saw glowing bright lights like I was in another dimension." 

That night "God began showing me in visions everything I'm doing now, traveling, preaching, miracles, deliverances, revival in my home." 

From that moment everything changed and Isaiah submitted to "the school of Holy Spirit,"  doing what "Mark:16:17 says, 'casting out demons and healing the sick.' "

Today, Isaiah helps others  "walk in their destiny, their supernatural power of God in their everyday life." 

As a "husband, father of 4 girls,  revivalist and live streamer," Isaiah  "reaches  6 to 8 million people a week" through his "Revival Lifestyle"  Podcast. 

For the rest of Isaiah's miraculous testimony, check out his interview with Sid Roth. 


OR . . .watch Isaiah sharing more powerful testimony details here. . . 


To stay connected with Isaiah's outreach, check out his website  -


Just like Isaiah,  God has a divine purpose for you.

The good news is God is your redeemer, healer and restorer who loves you.  

Consider this. . . 

You are "God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10  NIV). 

He is your loving Father. 

He never leaves you! 

And has good, good plans for you!  A divine purpose for you!

More good news!

God offers an awesome benefit package I didn't know existed until I stumbled on terrific teachers Carrie Pickett, Daniel Amstutz and Carlie Terradez who share practical insights and answers that are Gospel Truths today.   Don't miss the Q & A's at the end of this link.  

Better yet. . .  grab your freebies below as you experience God's endless abundant love!


• You have everything to gain by giving your life to Christ now.  Select the Receive Jesus link here.  It doesn't cost anything and offers you big benefits! 

• Want miraculous healing testimonies?  Visit AWMI website  or call 719-635-1111 for a  free (CD) teaching each week. No strings attached.

• Want healing teaching 7 days a week from those who experienced God's supernatural healing?
 Check out the Healing Channel.  You won't be disappointed! 

• Order your free Identity Confession Card that's changing lives at Terradez    Scroll to the bottom of the website to order your free card. 

• Want peace, joy, healing and more?  Check out Pastor Duane Sheriff's  book Identity Theft to learn more about how satan uses terrorist tactics to  steal identities and how to get them back. 

• Combat fear with hours of  Psalms 91 to play during the day or for sleep.  Or,  listen to Promises of God for 12 hours! 

• Watch Healing Journeys Today packed with powerful testimonies!  

• Attend free Healing School events streamed live most Wednesdays....or watch powerful healing school video archives. 

• Play your free healing scriptures here.   Whether you need healing of the body, heart or mind, these scriptures cover them all! 

•  Know prodigals?  Want to pray for them?  Download prayers for prodigals here.


  • Need Prayer? Call the AWMI prayer line at 719.635.1111 for terrific prayer ministers.  Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for immediate help. 

  • Curious about Charis Bible College?   Check out Charis Bible College  here.  Whether online,  a class now and then or otherwise, they have answers for you. Plus, they have locations all over the world! 

  • Have a testimony? A resource that changed your life? Share it in the comment area.


Prayers for you. . .  

Father God, thank you for each person reading this.  They are not here by accident but by divine guidance as we pray together. 

We thank You,  Jesus, our loving shepherd  for showing us that I Peter 2 & 24  decrees  healing,  restoration,  abundant love and a divinely directed purpose for all regardless of who they are, where they are.   

Lord, through the authority Of Jesus Christ  and the power of the Holy Spirit  You gave us, (Luke 10:19)  we cancel, crush, smash destructive decrees and practices of addiction, death, defeat,  self loathing, rage, violence, greed,  poverty, hopelessness, obsession & possession NOW  in Jesus Name!

Together we also praise YOU and decree miraculous restoration of  health in every cell, bone, system heart and head in Jesus name! 

We also praise you together Lord,  for showing each person that  You think about them constantly (Psalms 139: 17-18) and desire to help them Isaiah 41:13  regardless of circumstances to live their divine purpose. 


Together, Father we  declare your Jehovah Shalom !  Supernatural peace, joy, resources, abundant life,  restoration and more for all praying now in Jesus Name!  

We speak life into every impossible situation and  uproot every evil lie that stole identities.  We  submit to Your identity of life and life more abundantly Father God in Jesus Name!  

We also decree the same Jehovah Shalom powered by the Holy Spirit over towns, cities, states,
provinces, countries and abort and restrain ALL plans of the enemy in Jesus Name! 


With the same power we cancel all attacks of witchcraft, chaos, divisiveness, spirits and rulers in high, low places in Jesus Name! 

We righteously declare, uphold and proclaim the Name of Jesus above all  destructive names as we tell them to  (Mark 11:23!)   GO NOW IN JESUS NAME!   

Father, during the next few weeks, months   we decree ALL  prodigals separated from families, supernaturally restored to families and  their divine purpose with clear minds, hearts and bodies filled with Holy Spirit! 

We praise You for ministering laborers and heavenly messengers released  in their paths who lead them to You, Father. 

We thank you now Holy Spirit for signs, wonders and miracles for the person reading this in Jesus name (Mark 16:20)!  

We raise our praise "Hallelujah" to you Father, our Way Maker and Jesus our Chain Breaker!                           


We decree the supernatural loosing of imprisoned, persecuted Christians now in Jesus Name!  

We praise you Holy Spirit for your divine intervention, as we do not lean on our own understanding but put ALL our trust  in You Father. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6


Lord,  together we also decree divine ideas, direction, and birthing of new jobs, economies, opportunities, promotion, housing and food.  We decree Your  favor on all those reading this now, in Jesus Name! 

Nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37)  as we align our thoughts with yours in Jesus Name!


We also decree protection of life ordained as your most precious creation Father God and celebrate what you celebrate Father God...birthrights for all lives. We smash and crush spirits of death, murder, perversion and sickness of all kinds. 

Go NOW in Jesus Name! 

Father, we praise YOU as we  decree supernatural protection and direction for all serving on medical teams, first responders, and those fighting disasters and  fighting for God given freedoms in nations,  cities, provinces, townships and neighborhoods, whether in the air, water, ground or under water, in Jesus Name! Psalms 91

Lord, with the authority and  power  you gave us  Luke 10:19, we decree  destructive mountains of all types Mark 11:23  crushed  in Jesus Name!

We decree biological/physical/cyber/medical threats/attacks on freedom smashed and crushed as we declare your mighty names Jehovah Nissi, King of Kings, Lord and Shepherd  over all people.   

Together Father,  we  align ourselves with Your will and dwell in Your shelter because You  are the Most High, our shield, our buckler we trust  Psalms 91.  


Thank you Father for your loving intervention for all  reading this now  in Jesus Name! 

Amen and Amen!

 Praise to you Father, our Almighty God,  Adonai, our Savior, our Promise Keeper!  

A joy to agree with you in prayer, decrees and worship! 


Meanwhile, soak in His presence with Waymaker featuring  Jeremy Riddle & Priscilla Alcantara 


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