Regardless of what you believe, each testimony illustrates God's undeniable love for you!
ON TO KATIE SOUZA'S story who at 17, sought the good life in modeling, television and drugs but now has the best life helping others walk in the freedom and relationship with a loving God!
SLIDING down the wall of the hole filled with "urine, feces and vomit, I was alone, cold and done when God arrested me," said Katie. "It was then I had a "diabetic seizure and when I woke up I surrendered to God," she said.
Yet, it took awhile for Katie to surrender.
All she wanted was the good life and started modeling and landed TV show gigs during her teens. During that time, "I was using, buying and selling drugs and collecting drug debts" for people who put contracts on my life, she added.
Tired of working for others, I started "manufacturing my own speed" which is when the Federal Marshalls caught up with me, recalled Katie. Out of control, "I fought everyone including an officer" which landed me in that urine infested hole.
From that point on, Katie's anger morphed into an insatiable thirst for God which translated into a "God Pod" in prison. Our bible study in our unit was packed with "praise, prayer and baptisms" Katie recalled.
During that time Katie heard from God about the exact day for her release and told anyone who would listen. "I was the laughing stock and my unit psychiatrist put me on suicide watch" she said. But then God showed up and "six months later I won a case in Federal court and was released on the exact date!"
No longer the laughing stock among her inmates they said, "Wow, now we have something to believe in" along with "her psychiatrist asking for prayer."
Now Katie's international ministry reaches global prisoners as it celebrates 11 years of setting people free!
Check out the rest of Katie's story as told to Sid Roth who shares her testimony.
More free teachings are available on her website, Facebook and you tube.
We are all prisoners of what we think is the good life before we come to know the Lord. I was one of them and sought the good in things that were completely opposite which landed me in a toxic mess before I surrendered to Him.
The good news is it doesn't make any difference how long you've been away from God or if you've never had a relationship with Him.
God loves you, and his awesome purpose is "to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29: 11-14 NIV) regardless of your age, circumstances or background.
More good news is God offers an awesome benefit package I didn't know existed until I stumbled on terrific teachers Carrie Pickett, Daniel Amstutz and Carlie Terradez who offer practical insights and answers. Don't miss the Q & A's at the end of this link.
Even better is you can experience God's abundant miraculous starting with your freebies below.
• You've got everything to gain by giving your life to Christ. Select the Receive Jesus link here. It won't cost you a dime and offers you big benefits!
• Know any prodigals? Download prayers for prodigals here.
• Need more inspiration for prodigals? Check out Don't Give up on your (Prodigal) kids here - a ten minute video packed with inspiration.
• Want more miraculous testimonies? Visit AWMI website - no strings attached.
• Attend free Healing School events streamed live most Thursdays 1 PM MST. Or watch awesome healing school video archives.
• Play your free healing scriptures here. Whether you need healing of the body, heart or mind these scriptures cover them all!
• Order your free Identity Confession Card that's changing lives at Terradez Scroll to the bottom of the website to order your free card.
• Want peace, joy, healing and more? Check out Pastor Duane Sheriff's book Identity Theft to learn more about how satan uses terrorist tactics to steal identities and how to get them back.
- Want to know more about cultivating faith and mind renewal? See miraculous financial breakthroughs here, and more supernatural healings here.
- Post a comment or two. Have a testimony? A resource that changed your life? Share it in the comment area.
Prayers for you. . .
Father God, thank you for your divine intervention for those visiting and for their families, friends and those they pray for. Together, we decree divine encounters, whether through strangers, family members or angels so they enter into divine relationship with You.
Father God, together we abort, smash, crush all attacks on hearts, minds, bodies, families, jobs, income for those visiting and loose all strongholds on them in the mighty name of Jesus. We thank you Lord as we expect for believers and non-believers alike.
We also decree physical healing over anyone whose body is plagued with sickness and command all attacks on bones, hearts, eyes, ears, nerves, blood, organs, breathing, brain systems, muscles and more to cease and desist. We declare these systems to align with You Father God according to 1 Peter 2.24.
Father, we praise you for confirming your word with signs, wonders and miracles, as we align ourselves with your loving will according to Mark 16:20 .
Lord, we also thank you for divine protection for all fighting for global freedoms and all who fight fires, floods and catastrophic events and the protection of life. As Jesus spoke, we speak to all future events and works of the enemy and command them thwarted and praise you Father for restoration, and invigoration of your loving word for all reading this.
It is my joy to pray for you,
Meanwhile, I never tire of Every Praise To Our God by Hezekia Walker and praise Him for you! Enjoy!
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