Ponder this...
God "has good plans for you, plans to prosper you and never harm you"( Jeremiah 29:11).
And He will be with you in trouble and save you Psalms 91:15 despite your background, location or age.
Raised under radical Sharia law, Ramin Parsa never imagined such possibilities until he was brutally tortured by the Islamic regime, and started questioning what he was taught to believe.
After you check out Ramin's supernatural transformation, be sure to:
- download free resources & review the archives for more miraculous testimonies
- join me in prayer at the bottom of the page and
- soak in Waymaker, live from Brazil with Jeremy Riddle & Priscilla Alcantara after our prayer.
IMAGINE being thrown in prison at 16, stripped, doused with cold water, then ruthlessly beaten over and again with a "thick electric cable" because you happened to be in a car with others who had alcohol.
Though innocent, Ramin was ruthlessly tortured because "based on Islamic law, it's forbidden to have alcohol, buy, sell drink or possess it," Ramin said.
"It was a taste of hell" said Ramin. "Thrown into a room with no food, water or restroom, they made us sit up and sit down and if you couldn't do it anymore, they would beat us."
Released from prison, Ramin's trauma escalated. He recalled the brutal murders of Jews he witnessed as an 11 year old boy. "The teachings of Islam say to kill Jews and Christians. I had nightmares and couldn't eat" and seeds of hatred were sown and then inflicted on me, said Ramin.
"I couldn't believe this ideology came from a God who made all in this world, so I lost my faith in Islam," Ramin said.
Hungry for truth, Ramin found it through channel surfing.
"I was nineteen and came across a channel" where people were saying "Jesus is the son of God, who died for us on the cross and rose from the dead." I thought it was "too good to be true" said Ramin and "rejected the thought" because Muslims didn't believe Jesus was a savior.
One week later, Ramin heard the same message on the same channel and again rejected the thought because "my experience with Islam" hardened my heart to any religion, explained Ramin.
The next message offered Ramin a relationship he longed for.
"The third time I heard that Jesus is Lord, the Messiah, loved me me, died for me I had a genuine conversation with him and said, 'If this is true...I ask you to come into my life. Show me.' "
Suddenly, "a heat went through my hand, my body.
I started shaking, crying and felt 500 pounds of weight
"I felt a peace and a supernatural love I never felt," added Ramin. "Even for the people who beat and tortured me."
Immediately transformed, Ramin began speaking in tongues. "I didn't know the words I was saying, but it felt good," said Ramin.
But God wasn't finished revealing His nature.
Ramin's chronically ill mother couldn't help notice the change in him. "She saw me smiling with a glowing face" and "happy," said Ramin. And Ramin knew if God helped him he could help his mother.
With a bold confidence, "I put my hands on my mother, prayed in the name of Jesus and my mother was healed" and still is today, said Ramin.
"Full of fire," Ramin's intimate relationship with Jesus led him to Turkey then America where he developed a strong love for the Jewish people. "Jesus put a love in my heart for the Jewish people who gave us the Bible, the prophets...the Savior, the Messiah," said Ramin.
And through an unlikely marriage, Ramin recounts how God supernaturally paired the couple to help the Jewish people.
"I met my wife in 2020. We both love Israel" said Ramin. "Only God could have paired an Iranian, ex Muslim and Jewish Israeli to move to Israel in 2023 to help the Jewish people," he added.
During the war and currently, Ramin and his wife feed "37,000 meals a day to 1,500 Israelis every day."
"When they hear my story, a former enemy cooking for them, cleaning, giving them food" said Ramin, "it gives them hope that not everyone hates them."
More miraculous is millions of "Persians, the Iranians are waking up to their national heritage, loving the Messiah and the Jewish people," said Ramin.
"It's the fastest growing church in the world," added Ramin, because they realize Islam was a lie."
For more details of Ramin's miraculous transformation, see the complete story as told to Sid Roth.
God is your loving Father.
He never leaves you and has good plans
for you!
He rejoices, dances over you! Zeph. 3:17
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
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Prayers for you. . .
Father God, thank you for each person reading this prayer and revealing your never ending, undeniable love for them regardless of age, location or background.
We also praise you together Lord, for showing each person that You think about them constantly (Psalms 139: 17-18) and desire to help them Isaiah 41:13 regardless of their circumstances.
Together we pray through the authority of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit You gave us,(Luke 10:19). We cancel, crush, smash destructive infirmities, beliefs and practices of death, defeat, self loathing, rage, violence, greed, poverty, hopelessness, obsession & possession. GO NOW in Jesus Name!
We thank You, Jesus, for showing us that you took all pain, disease, and torment in I Peter 2 & 24 because you love us.
Nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37) with you Lord, as we align our thoughts with yours in Jesus Name!
Together we speak life into every impossible situation and cancel every evil lie.
We also decree the same Jehovah Shalom powered by the Holy Spirit over towns, cities, states, provinces, countries and abort all plans of the enemy in JESUS NAME!
With the same power you gave us in Luke 10:19, we cancel all attacks of witchcraft, chaos, divisiveness, spirits and rulers in high, low places in Jesus Name!
Father, during the next few days, weeks, months we decree ALL prodigals separated from families, supernaturally restored to families and their divine purpose with clear minds, hearts and bodies filled with Holy Spirit!
We praise You for ministering laborers released in their paths who lead them to You, Father.
We thank you now Holy Spirit for signs, wonders and miracles for the person reading this in Jesus name (Mark 16:20)!
We also decree the supernatural loosing of imprisoned, persecuted Christians now in Jesus Name!
We praise you Holy Spirit for your divine intervention, as we do not lean on our own understanding but put ALL our trust in You Father. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6
Lord, together we also decree divine ideas, direction, and birthing of new jobs, economies, opportunities, promotion, housing and food. We decree Your favor on all those reading this now, in Jesus Name!
Go NOW in Jesus Name!
Lord, again with the authority and power you gave us in Luke 10:19, we declare your mighty names Jehovah Nissi, King of Kings, Lord and Shepherd over all people.
Together Father, we dwell in Your shelter because You are the Most High, our shield, our buckler we trust Psalms 91.
Thank you Father for your loving intervention for all reading this now in Jesus Name!
Amen and Amen!
Praise to you Father, our Almighty God, Savior, and Promise Keeper!
A joy to agree with you in prayer, decrees and worship!
Meanwhile, soak in His presence with Waymaker featuring Jeremy Riddle & Priscilla Alcantara